Us history 2
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Monday History & Tech packages still available
Instructor: Cindy Nordstrom
Single Class - Semester Tuition: $325 (deposit $75)
This class meets a total of 12 times and Monday weekly from Sept. 9th - Dec.9th
Time: 1:30pm - 3:30pm
Ages: 13-17
This rigorous course will consider the history of United States with a focus on the various cultural, political, social, religious, and economic developments that have shaped and continue to shape the United States. The analysis will begin with events leading up to the Civil War and continue to World War 1. Students will learn how to use primary source materials and how to read literary works of the time. Special focus will be placed on under represented groups. Maps, timelines, and outlines, are incorporated into students weekly work and students are expected to perform research and write reports. By the end of this dynamic course, students will be able to draw connections from our readings, lectures, and projects to ongoing governing systems and have an active understanding of the role that history plays in our present and future lives. Designed for ages 13+.